Mother’s Day – Ocarina’s Playlist
Domenica 14 maggio si celebra la festa della mamma. Ocarina per l’occasione ha realizzato una playlist con 10 canzoni dedicate alla mamma che spazia attraverso varie epoche e generi diversi: […]
Domenica 14 maggio si celebra la festa della mamma. Ocarina per l’occasione ha realizzato una playlist con 10 canzoni dedicate alla mamma che spazia attraverso varie epoche e generi diversi: […]
Two days ago was the 10th anniversary of the death of the great artist Enzo Jannacci. Singer, cabaret artist, musician, jazz player… comedian and doctor, Jannacci has been a […]
A few days ago the artist Leiji Matsumoto, father of the legendary Space Pirate Captain Harlock-a favorite hero of Ocarina-but also of other famous Japanese manga, left us. Born […]
Candlemas, the mid-winter festivity that celebrates the return of the sun and the fertility of the earth, is celebrated around the world. Even before it became […]
Always considered the giants of the sea, whales are mysterious animals, protagonists of tales and legends. What also undoubtedly makes them fascinating is their way of communicating, an incredible and […]
“You have to do your best, and that’s the best anyone can do.” Talking Cricket in Pinocchio To get the new year off to the best possible start, Ocarina listens […]
Today we listen to a popular Christmas song beloved by children around the world: Rudolph the red nosed reindeer Composed in 1949 by singer-songwriter Jonny Marks, who was inspired […]
For this Black Friday, a shower of rain is expected, a rich and sonorous rain of music! And as a soundtrack we could only choose November Rain, a famous song […]
Today Ocarina listens to “La bella tartaruga”/The beautiful turtle, a wonderful children’s song that the singer-songwriter Bruno Lauzi wrote in the 1970s. Composed by the artist from Genova himself on […]
Today we are listening to Au clair de la lune, a sweet French nursery rhyme from the 18th century, known all over the world as a gentle lullaby for the […]