Practicing hearing in nature: Listening games for children - Ocarina Player


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    Practicing hearing in nature: Listening games for children

    02/08/24 Ocarina listening tips

    It’s vacation time, and for many, nature is a peaceful refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, where we can relax and recharge our batteries. The sound of babbling brooks, chirping birds and rustling leaves helps to calm the mind and regenerate the soul, but it also stimulates a deeper connection with the environment. For young children in particular, who are constantly exposed to visual and auditory stimuli, contact with nature offers a valuable opportunity to rebalance. These moments not only help to slow down the frenetic pace of life, but also sharpen hearing, improve concentration and develop patience.

    Listening to the sounds of nature enables children to acquire a number of important skills:
    Sensory awareness: improves the ability to distinguish and recognize different sounds.
    Concentration: helps develop attention and the ability to focus on specific details.
    Environmental empathy: encourages a deep connection with nature and promotes respect for the environment.

    Here are a few ideas for listening games to turn a nature walk into a real sound adventure. Ocarina Player will certainly come in handy.

    Sound walks
    Organize walks in parks or woods and invite children to close their eyes and listen carefully to the sounds around them.
    Ask them to describe the sounds they hear, such as birds chirping, leaves rustling or water running.

    Sounds recording
    Use a tape recorder to record nature sounds.
    Listen to the recordings together and try to identify the different sounds. You can also create a sound library at home.

    Sound treasure hunt
    Organize a sound treasure hunt in the forest. Decide in advance what you’re going to look for, for example different bird songs or the lapping of water.
    You can also alternate the use of other senses for a complete experience: what different smells, plants and animals can you discover?

    Night walks
    Organize a nocturnal walk in the forest or countryside, and you’re sure to enjoy a magical experience. Set off before dawn to listen to the waking animals. Make sure the path you choose is safe and easy to follow in the dark. Reassure your child to avoid any fear, and turn noises like the hoot of an owl or the crack of branches into an unforgettable adventure.

    Sound maps
    Draw a map of the place you visited and mark the points where you heard particular sounds. This activity combines listening, geography and creativity.

    For a complete experience, you can also make musical instruments with your kids. DIY musical instruments made from natural elements teach them how to sharpen their hearing and understand the importance of protecting it from noise.

    Natural musical instruments
    Make musical instruments from materials found in nature, such as maracas made from nutshells filled with seeds, or tambourines made from branches and drum skins.

    Wind chimes
    Make wind chimes from shells, sticks and other natural materials. Hang them outside and listen to the music created by the wind.

    Sound boxes
    Fill small boxes with natural materials such as dry leaves, pebbles or sand. Ask the kids to shake them and describe the sounds they make.

    With these activity suggestions, you can turn field trips into fun, educational adventures. Building natural musical instruments and sound cards will also stimulate your children’s creativity and learning. Finally, spending time in nature will enable even the youngest ones to appreciate the beauty and peace of the natural world, fostering a slower, more conscious way of life.