Produced by Studio Ghibli, the film shares its title with Yoshino’s novel, but offers an independent and autonomous story, the fruit of seven years’ work by Miyazaki and his team. Despite the high cost of the project, a number of licensing deals with streaming services for previous Ghibli films helped finance the making of the film, which won the hearts of audiences and critics in Japanese cinemas and set new records for the Studio.
The soundtrack, composed by renowned composer Joe Hisaishi, is a distinctive element of the film, a combination of visual and aural suggestions, an enchanting gift for viewers of all ages.
Hisaishi, usually accustomed to collaborating actively with Miyazaki, experimented with a different approach this time. The main theme, “Ask Me Why“, was originally a birthday present from Hisaishi to Miyazaki, who then decided to include it in the film.
The thirty-seven-track soundtrack ends with the song “Spinning Globe“, written and sung by Kenshi Yonezu.
Below are the videos for both tracks:
“Ask Me Why”:
“Spinning Globe”:_