The Cuddles Orchestra - Ocarina Player


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    The Cuddles Orchestra

    09/05/24 Ocarina listening tips
    Music is a universal language that embraces and conveys deep emotions, accompanying us in the most important moments of life. As Mother’s Day approaches, Ocarina wants to share with you a special book: The Cuddles Orchestra, published by Franco Panini, available in English and Italian, a true soundtrack designed to enhance the unique bond between mother and daughter/son.
    It is a musical book aimed at an age group between 18 and 24 months, with the intention of offering a unique way to spend quality time together with their children, finding in music a new, shared space in which to communicate in an intimate and exclusive way.
    The inspiration for this poetic and delicate book came from the music therapy project “Mamme in sol”, coordinated by author Francesca Borgarello since 2008. An association based in Turin that through events, classes, workshops, books and much more offers mothers tools to deal with every moment of the day in music in order to connect with the newborn.
    “Parents are their children’s main and most important orchestras, and they need to be made aware of this.”
    “The Cuddle Orchestra” is precisely meant to support moms’ and dads’ sense of competence in using this language, which is innate and within everyone’s reach.
    Let us quickly explain what the book looks like: each page contains the lyrics of a song to be sung and played during a specific daily routine, which, thanks to music, becomes an authentic “ritual” (from waking up to mealtimes, passing through games – such as cuckooing or tickling – up to the dressing of minor injuries and bedtime). The 10 pieces of music can be listened to either via the CD included with the volume or on the web by framing the QR code associated with each song with your smartphone.
    The choice of songs favored the mixing of different musical genres (blues, tarantella, lullaby, waltz…) to best characterize each song, and give it a precise meaning that matched the theme.
    There are songs for all tastes: the rooster’s crow to get up in the morning, in which the sweet and musical sounds of metallophones and tambourines dominate, ideal for waking up; the waltz to dance with mom and dad, through which the child can experience different gaits (tiptoe walking, spinning, skipping); the “blue blue blues” to listen to when tantrums occur and you don’t want to stop playing to eat or go to sleep… In addition, the simple and vivid illustrations created by internationally renowned artist Giuditta Gaviraghi speak directly to children, engaging them and stimulating their imagination. The animals in the book become companions for games and adventures, while the songs become a fun way to deal with small daily challenges.

    HERE you can purchase: The Cuddles Orchestra

    HERE is you can purchase: Orchestra di coccole