From 8 to 12 September, the Festivaletteratura returns to inhabit the streets and squares of Mantua, celebrating its 25th anniversary. One of the most awaited Italian cultural events of the year, which includes meetings with writers, readings, guided tours, workshops for children, shows, concerts with guests from all over the world.
Among the partners of the event, this year there will also be Ocarina with two events dedicated to children and entitled Che Mai Sento?/What can I ever feel? which will be held on 10 and 11 September at 5.30 pm in a special space: the Casa del Mantegna. The fantastic readings of the actor Pino Costalunga will take place in the beautiful garden and courtyard, which for the occasion will be transformed into a space-museum-laboratory, accompanied by the live ‘sounds’ by the noise-maker Renato Taddeo.
The performative part will be followed by a workshop, during which children will have the opportunity to try and touch the tools and objects that have animated their imagination.
We then start on 10 September with the reading of Limit Switch written by Janna Carioli. A story of railway misadventures between creaking doors, meowing cats and croaking announcements from loudspeakers. If you get off the train at Finecorsa you hardly even find the station. If you are lucky, you’ll find a horse waiting for you, but you are not sure where it will take you.
On September 11 is the turn of Francesco Fagnani’s Il Compleanno scomparso /The issing birthday. Just imagine: tomorrow is your birthday. The night before you can hardly fall asleep because of the emotion and in the morning…. But Toni, the protagonist of this modern fairy tale, wakes up happy on his birthday, but the birthday is not there! How is it possible? Thus begins a little journey in search of the missing birthday, which will be resolved with a double surprise.
The podcasts of the readings from these two interesting events will be available on the website